This blog is managed by an editorial team comprising members of each of the Enabling a Modern Curriculum project teams.
Meet the team
Chloe Czerwiec
Chloe has been in the Senior Librarian (Copyright) role at UWA since 2016. She’s interested in copyright education and open licensing, and is looking forward to supporting the creation of Australian-made OERs. When she’s not working she’s parenting a busy toddler and enjoying Perth’s park scene. Chloe is part of the Open Educational Resources Collective Pilot Project Team.
Lucy Walton
Lucy is the Scholarly Publishing Consultant at Western Sydney University, looking after all things open – OER, OA, and innovative scholarly publishing models. She is interested in advancing OA Green route, use of blockchain to track authorship, assigning OER to ORCID iDs, indexing scholarly content against dedicated SDG MARC fields, and transformative publisher agreements which incorporate core author rights. Lucy is part of the Open Educational Resources Advocacy Project Team.
Nikki Andersen
Nikki is the Open Education Content Librarian at the University of Southern Queensland. In this role she supports open educational practices, including the development of open textbooks using the open publishing platform, Pressbooks. She also has previous experience as a Copyright Officer, and a Diversity and Inclusion Officer. She is interested in the relationship between open educational practice, social justice and student success. Nikki is part of the Open Educational Resources Professional Development Program Project Team.
Kat Cain
Hi I’m Kat! I work for Deakin Library, with a focus on learning experience and digital literacies skill building. Full of ideas and what if questions, I have a slightly cheer squad, optimistic and enthusiastic approach to Library practice. But – I hasten to add – I have developed in a decade of experience a pragmatism and operationalised side to my work behaviours. The two aspects that bring me the most joy in working as a Librarian are the relational connections with colleagues and the new learnings/research discussions that emerge in the course of my work. I’m a member of the CAUL Conference Project Team.
Karen Miller
In my role as Learning Coordinator at Curtin University Library I develop learning programs, interactive activities and resources designed to develop information and digital literacies. In the physical world the Library Makerspace is my base, nurturing and enabling me to bring a creative, experiential and playful approach approach to learning. In the virtual world, I love to connect with the library world and beyond through the Digidex Community of Practice.
Kate Davis
Kate is the Director, Strategy & Analytics at the Council of Australian University Librarians. She works across CAUL’s four strategic programs and in collaboration with the Program Directors to translate CAUL’s strategic themes into actionable objectives, and establish and support programs of work to realise those objectives. Kate has a background in library and information science education and research. She has a passion for teaching and learning and, in her last role, she led a team of academic digital pedagogy and curriculum leads with a focus on strategic teaching and learning innovation projects.